Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Current cast list!

Here's our current cast for our cartoons!

DJ- Writer/Artist/Voice Actor

Ken- Writer/Voice Actor

DA- Voice Actor

Shani- Voice Actor

Monday, June 30, 2008

Working on the Mr. Bob show...sorta

Well we're starting to get to work on our cartoons yet we still have a ways to go but don't worry we're getting everything together. Random TV is trying to get the voices and art done so we can put it all together and stuff so just wait until it's out. We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trailer for Castle of peeps

Here is the little generic trailer I made for you enjoy. Also I may have spelled castle wrong so overlook it if I did.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome foolish mortals! (I mean viewers)

Hello there peoples, it's me djfire. The show is still underway and is still in the process of being created. Anyways we have an awsome line up of show topics and we still need time to get set p but don't worry we have a nice idea of whay we'll be doing.Here's a line up of the shows and soon we'll have a trailer so just wait kay?

All my peeps- A soap opera of peeps candies
Random generic music show- Do I really need to explain
Suko- No animated but hey, we try.
Random news- I think you know this one.

Well that's all the time I want to waste on you so peace!

-Djfire (writer/voice actor/artist).